Today was a busy day. I was able to sew the towels together for the blankets for the dog. I was able to get 2 made for him. Now one he will use and one will be clean and ready. I also got the fleece out of the closet that has been there for like 4 years and sewed it up. Dh took it as soon as it was done. I broke the needle on the machine... First time I did that so I am thinking that the point was dull. And all I have left to do is one row, then I am done with this afghan. I love being able to complete projects.
I was going to try and bake something today. I just didn't have the energy. But I did put a roast in the oven. So for dinner we had roast, potatoes, corn, bread, pickles, and beets. There is enough roast leftover for a couple of sandwiches. I think this weekend I will make pumpkin bread and applesauce bread. I will also post the recipes once I make them. Oh and I might also try to make tortilla. I think that waffles also sound good for a OMAC session.
Fridays are so busy for me. Tomorrow I have to work. Hopefully, I will get out on time. Then I might just be able to get some laundry done.... Yes, every other day is laundry day here. It takes that long to dry on the line this time of year. Summer outside it is done in hours instead of days. But I digress. Then I have to go and work a fish fry at the American Legion. It's only 4 hours. But by the time I get home I am tired and sore from being on my feet running around. So not much gets done when I have to work on Friday's. There are enough leftovers this week that luckily I don't have to cook, yeah!
I will post later the pictures of the projects I finished today. Supernatural is starting in a few minutes so I will be back after.
I was going to try and bake something today. I just didn't have the energy. But I did put a roast in the oven. So for dinner we had roast, potatoes, corn, bread, pickles, and beets. There is enough roast leftover for a couple of sandwiches. I think this weekend I will make pumpkin bread and applesauce bread. I will also post the recipes once I make them. Oh and I might also try to make tortilla. I think that waffles also sound good for a OMAC session.
Fridays are so busy for me. Tomorrow I have to work. Hopefully, I will get out on time. Then I might just be able to get some laundry done.... Yes, every other day is laundry day here. It takes that long to dry on the line this time of year. Summer outside it is done in hours instead of days. But I digress. Then I have to go and work a fish fry at the American Legion. It's only 4 hours. But by the time I get home I am tired and sore from being on my feet running around. So not much gets done when I have to work on Friday's. There are enough leftovers this week that luckily I don't have to cook, yeah!
I will post later the pictures of the projects I finished today. Supernatural is starting in a few minutes so I will be back after.
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