Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Over 2 years

Not sure where the time has gone!

I hopped on here the other day to read a few of the blogs that I use to read religiously,

Some are still here, while others like mine seem to have fallen into the land of obscurity!

My life, my world has been turned, twisted and basically fallen apart over the last 4 years.

Things are finally starting to sort themselves out!

My dearest Husband is now officially retired! That happened this past March. There has been a real learning curve to all this.

I started a soy wax candle company! I've been doing well with it. Selling at Farmer's Markets and Vintage Events. I'm in the process of getting a website / store up and running to do online sales. It has been fun learning how to do this and actually do it for myself. As some of you might remember I was part of the direct sales world for a few years. I much prefer the candles to that. If you want to see what I've been doing you can find me on

We were recently informed that our youngest won't be attending university once she graduates high school. She has decided to go into trade school. It's still a 5 year program. She will learn her trade but also get a business education as well. We are thrilled for her to make this jump as both of her sisters went to university and she is the one to break the mold!

I know there is so much more to say but for now, Smile Loudly!

