Good Morning all,
Today is just one of those days when I can't seem to get it together. We got a few inches of snow and it is cold. Now I am on the phone with my MIL who is computer illiterate and she changed her internet service over to a local service. And she can't seem to get her email working, so with coffee in my hand I am walking her through it. I think I need more coffee! A lot more! LOL!
I was able to get the banana and cinnamon bread done.... They were gone almost as soon as they came out of the oven. Everyone liked the bread and is looking forward to whatever I decide to make next. I think I am going to try and make pitas. I found a recipe on line here. http://mideastfood.about.com/od/breadsrice/r/pitabreadrecipe.htm
Then for dinner we will have hamburger stuffed pitas with lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, plus anything else that the family wants to add.
Oh, I almost forgot I ended up with 32 quart jars and 22 pints. That was such a great thing. I am going to continue looking on freecycle and on craigslist for more. I have about 300 jars filled right now. But some strange occurrence happens almost everyday.... One gets opened. LOL! Once I get the pressure canner I am hoping to have a whole lot more filled. I have an old number 7 canner but I need to get parts for it and even then I don't know if it will work. So since I've never pressured canned before I am kind of scared of it. And I would prefer to use a new canner first.
I have to do some chores today. I need to get more laundry done and hung up. I want to work more on the black afghan maybe get the first skien of black done and move to the gray. Make the pita bread. And I think probably clean the bathroom. Plus I still have to work out on the Wii fit. So with this list looming. I hope everyone has a great day!
Today is just one of those days when I can't seem to get it together. We got a few inches of snow and it is cold. Now I am on the phone with my MIL who is computer illiterate and she changed her internet service over to a local service. And she can't seem to get her email working, so with coffee in my hand I am walking her through it. I think I need more coffee! A lot more! LOL!
I was able to get the banana and cinnamon bread done.... They were gone almost as soon as they came out of the oven. Everyone liked the bread and is looking forward to whatever I decide to make next. I think I am going to try and make pitas. I found a recipe on line here. http://mideastfood.about.com/od/breadsrice/r/pitabreadrecipe.htm
Then for dinner we will have hamburger stuffed pitas with lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, plus anything else that the family wants to add.
Oh, I almost forgot I ended up with 32 quart jars and 22 pints. That was such a great thing. I am going to continue looking on freecycle and on craigslist for more. I have about 300 jars filled right now. But some strange occurrence happens almost everyday.... One gets opened. LOL! Once I get the pressure canner I am hoping to have a whole lot more filled. I have an old number 7 canner but I need to get parts for it and even then I don't know if it will work. So since I've never pressured canned before I am kind of scared of it. And I would prefer to use a new canner first.
I have to do some chores today. I need to get more laundry done and hung up. I want to work more on the black afghan maybe get the first skien of black done and move to the gray. Make the pita bread. And I think probably clean the bathroom. Plus I still have to work out on the Wii fit. So with this list looming. I hope everyone has a great day!
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