Got to work and of course it is work. Nothing really new there. I come out of my meeting and my phone is blowing up. I take the office phone first thinking that it is a client. But no such luck.... My everything is right with the world feeling disappeared in a blink. It was my dh. He was calling to tell me that my mom's house had been broken into. So off to my boss I go and out the door I went. We got to deal with the police and then spent the day with the insurance and several door people, not to mention numerous phone calls. In between all of this we had to clean up all of the glass. The thieves couldn't break a window, they had to break the glass on the patio door. We were thankful that is was tempered glass. It was a lot easier to clean out of the carpet. They also broke down her back gate that led to the alley. My dh and I secured the gate nailing it completely shut and then having to get wood to block off the patio door. But now all is again right with the world.
Tomorrow I have to go to work to make up for today. That really sucks! I was hoping to be home. But whats a girl to do. I think I might start looking for a different job. This one, I don't know ever just get that feeling that your not on the right path. I have been feeling that a lot lately about my job. I am an office manager that only works if I am lucky 2 days a week. I know reading that it doesn't look good to me either. So I guess after I leave work tomorrow I am going to see if I can get a couple of applications for some place else. I think something mindless is what I need at least for the time being. Plus I only want part-time. So I'm sure I will find something.
I didn't get anything done today here at the house. It is a really good thing that the bread got made last night as there would be store bought on the table had I procrastinated. Tomorrow more laundry will have to be done... That is a never ending job. Same with the dishes, but the oldest monster is responsible for them... but when she is lazy I gotta jump in.... That's a mom thing. LOL!
It has been a really long day.... Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.
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