There is an ice sculpture thing going on in a town about a half hour from here. Maybe I will pack the monsters up when Dh gets home and head out there. Maybe I can freeze this bug that crawl up my...... well you know! LOL! I guess typing is therapeutic.
I was looking for wheat the other day. I found a local grower, well, within a couple hundred miles of my home. He only wants .75 cents a pound. But I found it on emergency essentials for about .80 a pound in a container sealed in mylar. So guess where I am going to be buying from? I would prefer to buy things locally, but living in the city it is hard to find growers and distributors.
I need to make more bread tomorrow. But I have to go a spaghetti dinner at the legion. I don't mind supporting them or even helping out. Though now I need to find time to make the bread. I guess I will have to do it first thing in the morning.
I didn't walk on the treadmill yesterday. But I did walk a mile with Dh. When we dropped my car off we walked over to a restaurant about 1/2 mile away and back. I did notice that since I have been exercising full time the walk was much easier even if it was only 20 degrees.
Well, those pesky chores need to be done and I am just procrastinating sitting here. So off I go to get them done.
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