Monday, May 30, 2011

Reflections 5-30

Outside My Window...

is a hot sunshiney day with a beautiful blue sky

I am thinking...

If this heat keeps up I will be spending a lot of time in the basement this summer and the strawberries will be ripe soon

I am thankful for...

for the heat and sunshine to dry my clothes and the dehydrated zucchini and summer squash I got dried the other day

From the learning rooms...

that there is a company in New Zealand that still makes the hand crank sock loom (didn't get a picture next time I will)

From the kitchen...

Sourdough bread (still rising)

I am wearing...

knit shorts and a tank top

I am creating...

a mess with all these canning jars

I am going...

to switch loads on the line, bake the bread and tend the garden

I am reading...

nothing really, just been going through all the old mags and taking out what I want

On my mind...

that I have been very lax on prep lately.... And how I am going to rectify that

Around the house...

grass has been cut and I need to get the rest of the strings in for the beans to climb

One of my favorite things...

Taking the monster for ice cream

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:

Put away clothes, finish up the mags, clean out old canning jars

Gotta Run,



SkippyMom said...

Ice cream on a hot summer day is the bomb diggity :D Sounds like a good day.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible to do anything with canning or canning jars without making a mess? Not for me it isn't! :)

Can't go wrong with ice cream!