Yesterday I was able to get to Mom's and get behind the garage cleaned up. Then I used the garden claw thing. You know the one, its been advertised on TV for years. Well, she got it on clearance awhile ago. I put it together. Now I remember the commercials of old people using this thing. Let me tell you it was pretty darn tough to use. Mom couldn't get it to turn once it was in the soil. It took me a couple of hours to till up a 4'x20' section. I know it was fast then using a shovel. But I thought it was going to be super easy. My mistake! Then she had some of that black plastic edging so I dug down and we got that around the new bed. After a brief intermission of food and picking up the monsters from school. We dug up all of the raspberries (9 plants in all). Took them to her house, put down the black weed control stuff and planted the raspberries. We decided that in area near the edging we would plant rhubarb. So that will be a nice addition at we hadn't planned on.
Mom said that she will buy the wood for the sqft garden as my birthday present. So either today or tomorrow we will get that. DH said he will build the boxes as soon as we get the wood. Then all we need is the dirt and I have the money for that. So hopefully, by Sunday I should be able to plant seeds and onions in the new garden.
Gotta Run,
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