Friday DH and one of our friends and I went out for dinner in the big city. This is something of a first for me. I have been to the big city a time or two but this was to eat and then walk around one of the neighborhoods. We found this wonderful bakery. The smells were fantastic. I got each of the monsters something small as I knew they would enjoy the treat.
Saturday is still kind of a blur. LOL! Got the post in the morning to help set everything up. That only took a couple of hours. Then I went try and find a couple of yard sales no luck. Then went back home to get ready for the party. Got to the party early and that's when the fun started. One of the kitchen help didn't arrive so my DH offered to help out in the kitchen so that we would be able eat dinner in a timely fashion. There was toasts made and people living and dead honored. Dinner was eaten and prayers said. All in all I think that everyone that came had a very nice time.
I tried to sleep in today but mouthy monster had other ideas for everyone. So up we were. I was able to get all the laundry done as it was a beautiful day. I even got the grass cut in the back. This is the second time already. The front has yet to grow so I don't have to bother with it yet. Then I got a call that my moms privacy fence that we propped up last week had fallen down again and this time took more fence with it. So into the garage to DH's tool belt and away we went. 4 - 2x4's later the fence is now secured and once again upright. Woo Hoo! Grampa would be proud, I can still remember how to use a hammer!
So now I am tired, sore and probably should be in bed as this is going to be a super busy week. Tomorrow, dig out behind the garage at mom's. Transplant the raspberries over to her house. Tuesday I have the second bingo. Wednesday I have the self defense class. Thursday is my meeting for the legion. Friday we are having some friends over to try the first batch of beer. Saturday DH is going to take me to the farmers market an hour away. Then Sunday is Mother's Day. DH will probably be working so I don't know what the kids will have planned for me. No rest for the wicked.... LOL!
Well, I should try and get some sleep.
Gotta Run,
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