Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tuesday already

Good Morning, yep I am up and about already marking things off the todo list. The half-a$$ed gardener strikes again. I filled my little watering can and watered all of the plants up front. Then I got the hose and watered the plants in the back.... The hanging baskets were very happy to get a drink. I forget to water them every day. So by the time I think hey they might need to be watered they look half dead. Luckily, they come back after a nice long drink. Then the garden needed some water also. It needed to be done before it hits 92` today. At least watering them early they have a chance to soak it up before it sizzles in the sun.

Yesterday, Teenage monster cut the grass in the front. What a chore it is getting to be. The bag fills up to quick and the shooter thing gets clogged. But it is cut and that is all I care about. Cause it ain't purdy! LOL! I must have picked up a nail or something in my back tire, cause its flat..... Grim had to work last night so he couldn't fix it. He has the tools to plug holes in tires. It is way convenient for him to do it verses having to take the tire off and take it to the shop. I had to take the monsters in Godzilla this morning.... 1999 Dodge Ram. The thing is a tank, we have put it through its paces and it still rumbles to a start every time.

I pulled some potatoes out of the box that had started to eye up and got them in the ground. I know I said I wasn't going to plant potatoes this year but it was plant them or toss them. So I planted them. There were 12 of them. If I get 12 new potatoes then I didn't waste anything... LOL!  I still need to toss out some sunflower seeds. I have been very neglectful of my gardening duties. In my defense it has been hot and when it isn't I have been spending time with the family. They grow so fast I don't want to miss anymore of it.

I watched a video yesterday about Victory Gardens. I can't download it here... but you can go here and watch it. It is a great, eye opening watch!

Gotta Run,