Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Blogs and Answers

I had a thought that as I go through all of your wonderful blog that if I come across something that I will post my response or answers here. Plus it gives me stuff to write about when my life has one of those uneventful days.

Kathie, over at Two Frogs Home asked "What moments are you enjoying?" And of course I still have to go through Grim's computer to upload pictures (that is why there haven't been any recently). But I digress.... I am enjoying:
  1. having a full pantry (so I don't have to go out in the snow)
  2. having two big bags of yarn that will keep me busy
  3. having lots of big, heavy blankets to crawl under at night
  4. having taken off the whole month of January from Bingo
  5. having animals that want to cuddle when it is cold
Yes, most of what I am enjoying is about warmth.... LOL! I love the winter and the snow, but I dislike very much the cold.

Barb over at The Big Red Barn was talking about growing hops. Well, that got me thinking. I talked to Grim about it and since he is a home brewer this is one of the first times he has been really excited about this whole farming thing.... (he has always wanted property not all the farm stuff that goes with it, that is my dream). So we are going to sit down this week and start to plan how to make it happen. Grim at the earliest can retire in 14 years. That way he can still work as we get the farm set up. So we are thinking that we if set up a 5 year plan, we can make it happen.
  1. Make a list of debt
  2. Pay off debt outstanding debt
  3. Stay current with all current bills
  4. Create budget
You know stuff like this. I mean we have been working on this stuff but without a formalized plan it has been willy nilly at best.

Phelan over at A Homesteading Neophyte has said that if you live in zone 5 or 6 it is time to get the cold weather seedlings going. And since I am so new ( wet behind the ears.... LOL) I am going to take her advice and get them started. I need to go to the dollar store and get the aluminum pans with the plastic lids. I used them last year to start some seeds. They worked really well. And of course where they went, I can only guess.

Did I say uneventful earlier.... I so know better.

And of course right as I am writing this blog, shit hits the fan... I had to take my youngest in to the ER. She's fine, she bumped her sister and had a cup of hot chocolate dumped in her face. Luckily, we got her into the shower right away and then off to the hospital. She has mostly 1st degree burns with a spot of 2nd degree burn. They gave me cream and bandages to come home with. I have to take her into the doctor on Monday. She was a trooper, she never even cried. The er doc said that there shouldn't be any scaring. It is just like a really bad sunburn..... Woooooooh! I was scared wittless. But thank the Goodess, my baby won't be scarred for life!!!

I am off for the night!

Gotta Run,


Melonie said...

OH goodness, I'm so glad she is okay!!!

As for the debt plan, have you read any of Dave Ramsey's books? We didn't go whole hog with his stuff, but we implmented a lot of the basic concepts and it worked very very well for us. In less than 2 years, actually. :-)

brandi said...

~sending best wishes for your daugters very sorry she had to endure that but thankful she is scary...i like your list ideas from other blogs...i read and get so overwhelmed by the inspiring creative minds that are out there and can't always keep track of those i am then searching frantically for...brightest blessings~