Here is the permalink if anyone else wants to join in.
Sorry this is late.... I forgot to post it!
Weight Loss..... None... But I am ok with that as I didn't gain anything either!
Exercise..... I didn't get on the treadmill but I did go out walking with Grim a couple days this past week.
Diet.... No real changes but I did buy a veggie steamer so I can start cooking broccoli!
I really did get to do more canning last night. I had to wait for the kitchen since Grim was making an Irish Red. He made the Stout on Sunday. They will be ready for St. Pat's. He also has a Scottish Ale that he is going to be making. I know your thinking why all the beer. Well, it blooms much better in the cool weather and it will last up to 1 year. So might as well, put this weather to good use!
On to the canning, I did take some really nice pictures with the camera. But since I still can't upload them, here are the camera phone pictures. They didn't turn out to bad with daylight behind them.

I even ironed out the fabric and cut out all the pieces for my first apron. It is actually for Grim. But it will count for the merit badge. Now I just have to figure out how to put it together. I don't know if I have ever said this before..... I really don't know how to sew. I mean I have always had a sewing machine, and I can thread the bobbin and make the machine go. And it is mostly making a simple stitch to make a blanket or put a patch on. This is a pattern that I need to figure out?!? I have to go out and get bias tape? not sure what that is but I'm sure I will know before this day is out. Oh, and I have fabric leftover so I am going to make a couple of pin cushions. Here is a great site for a pattern for them.