With yesterday being Thanksgiving in Canada, that meant my mom was home from work. One of her friends came over and they went shopping for the day. They were nice enough to call me to go to lunch with them. Nothing fancy just Big Boys. The food was alright, but the company was fantastic. I love this friend of my mom's, she is always ready for a good laugh.
I tried to get the sauerkraut canned up yesterday. Needless to say, it didn't go well. I made it way to early and it went bad. So now I need to go and get more cabbage. I am fine with that. I only spent a dollar on the cabbage last time. And it was a learning experience. Don't make sauerkraut until the first frost. Not because it changes the cabbage but the area that it will ferment will be cooler. So now I just have the apples, zucchini and 2 acorn squash to process. Then I can decide if I want to get carrots to put up and if I want some more apples to make an apple liquor. And anything else that might catch my fancy at the farm market. LOL! I know, I'm terrible. I look forward to canning and then I complain and then I look for more things to do so it doesn't end.
I have a pot of chili simmering on the stove as I type. I made it a little different this time. I did a quick soak with the beans, I like this method way better. And I didn't add as much liquid. Have to wait and see if they like the thicker chili?!? It is 48* outside right now. So I wanted to have something warm in my belly tonight. We will have corn bread muffins to go with the chili. I had to dig around in the cupboard to find these mixes. Need to add it to the grocery list to get more.
Tomorrow will be bread day. This will be the first time in months that I have made bread. I am dreading it. Once I get started with it again it will be like a long lost friend. But it is just the thought of all that work. LOL! I'm already thinking of the cinnamon bread I could make or the banana bread, ohhhhh the muffins and cupcakes. Like I said terrible.
Mom and I took the monsters down to one of the orchards over the weekend. That's where I got the Jonathon apples from. While we were there they were making apple butter in a cauldron over an open fire. The woman had a great big huge paddle that she had to use to constantly stir the apple butter so that it wouldn't burn. I am so happy that the crockpot was invented, among other appliances of convenience. I can see myself outside all day stirring apple butter or anything else for that matter. But then again if I had to do that then maybe I wouldn't have to clean the bathroom or some other dreaded chore.....hmmmmm!
Since I still don't have batteries for the camera and I'm tired of the crappy camera phone pictures I found a graphic to represent the woman and the apple butter.

I tried to get the sauerkraut canned up yesterday. Needless to say, it didn't go well. I made it way to early and it went bad. So now I need to go and get more cabbage. I am fine with that. I only spent a dollar on the cabbage last time. And it was a learning experience. Don't make sauerkraut until the first frost. Not because it changes the cabbage but the area that it will ferment will be cooler. So now I just have the apples, zucchini and 2 acorn squash to process. Then I can decide if I want to get carrots to put up and if I want some more apples to make an apple liquor. And anything else that might catch my fancy at the farm market. LOL! I know, I'm terrible. I look forward to canning and then I complain and then I look for more things to do so it doesn't end.
I have a pot of chili simmering on the stove as I type. I made it a little different this time. I did a quick soak with the beans, I like this method way better. And I didn't add as much liquid. Have to wait and see if they like the thicker chili?!? It is 48* outside right now. So I wanted to have something warm in my belly tonight. We will have corn bread muffins to go with the chili. I had to dig around in the cupboard to find these mixes. Need to add it to the grocery list to get more.
Tomorrow will be bread day. This will be the first time in months that I have made bread. I am dreading it. Once I get started with it again it will be like a long lost friend. But it is just the thought of all that work. LOL! I'm already thinking of the cinnamon bread I could make or the banana bread, ohhhhh the muffins and cupcakes. Like I said terrible.
Mom and I took the monsters down to one of the orchards over the weekend. That's where I got the Jonathon apples from. While we were there they were making apple butter in a cauldron over an open fire. The woman had a great big huge paddle that she had to use to constantly stir the apple butter so that it wouldn't burn. I am so happy that the crockpot was invented, among other appliances of convenience. I can see myself outside all day stirring apple butter or anything else for that matter. But then again if I had to do that then maybe I wouldn't have to clean the bathroom or some other dreaded chore.....hmmmmm!
Since I still don't have batteries for the camera and I'm tired of the crappy camera phone pictures I found a graphic to represent the woman and the apple butter.

It is so silly how we put off doing things that once we get started doing, we really enjoy. I still find myself doing that. LOL Glad that you got to go to lunch with your mom and her friend, that is always a blast for me.
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