Even though Marching season is winding down, with only one more competition left in the regular season. We are still doing Jammie day on Sundays! I think that this is going to be a tradition from now on. The kids really seem to enjoy it and I love not having to do anything. Come summer we will be back into the swing but for now I am enjoying this! By the way we are in 5th place in our flight! If nothing changes we will be going to State Finals!
The monsters and I just finished watching Van Helsing!

It is listed as PG13 movie so it safe for my monsters to watch! Plus, Hugh Jackman is just way to hot in all that leather.... sorry *running for a cool drink* LOL!
Oh, I forgot to tell you, I got all the rest of the apples done the other day. I had 8 quarts but 1 broke in the canner. Boy, was I upset!!! All that work just to have some of it go to waste. Still have to make the sauerkraut. Yes, if you haven't noticed I do procrastinate. But surprisingly, once I see that I've written it here a few times I really do get moving on it.
I just saw a trailer for a new movie coming out.... Old Dogs
Here is the trailer!
And here is another one
I wish I could have put them on here. But they are Disney, so you have to go to You tube.
The monsters and I just finished watching Van Helsing!

It is listed as PG13 movie so it safe for my monsters to watch! Plus, Hugh Jackman is just way to hot in all that leather.... sorry *running for a cool drink* LOL!
Oh, I forgot to tell you, I got all the rest of the apples done the other day. I had 8 quarts but 1 broke in the canner. Boy, was I upset!!! All that work just to have some of it go to waste. Still have to make the sauerkraut. Yes, if you haven't noticed I do procrastinate. But surprisingly, once I see that I've written it here a few times I really do get moving on it.
I just saw a trailer for a new movie coming out.... Old Dogs
Here is the trailer!
And here is another one
I wish I could have put them on here. But they are Disney, so you have to go to You tube.
Love the idea of p.j. day! Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Hi! Don't know if you saw, but you won the Ebook from Rose Pressey! Please use the contact link at the top of my blog to send me your email address so I can pass it on to Rose (or you can contact her directly, but please let me know if you do so, so I know your receive your prize:O)
Congrats and happy reading!
Girl, we just watched this movie Saturday night!
He is sooo hot!
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