Still have bedding to do. But the rest of the laundry is washed and hung up. That is the only thing about hanging in the basement it takes awhile to dry. I love my outside line. The laundry is dry the same day. Plus it makes everything smell so nice.
I need to make more waffles this weekend. I think I am going to triple the recipe this time. I got 12 last time I made them. I am hoping for more like 20 - 30. Then they would last for the whole month. Instead of just the week. I also pulled out one of my cook books last night. There are several new recipes that I think I might try. All of them are dough related. One is called a zesty picnic bread. It sounds like it would go great with a pasta dish.
Well, today is the last day of school for the monsters till next Wednesday. So we are going to try and get the spring cleaning all done. My room is almost done. I just have a corner left to clean out. Once that is done I am moving on to the linen closet / pantry / storage area. That will probably take me a full day as quite a bit of the stuff has to be moved into the bathroom. I need to get more garbage bags. I love spring cleaning. I was such a pack rat for so long, and never got rid of anything. Now I am like I don't have room for it, it has to go! LOL! So if the monsters get their rooms cleaned then the whole back of the house will be done. Then I just need to concentrate on the front of the house. But I can do that at my leisure.
Dh, has to call the garage door repair man and a basement repair company to see if they will come out and give us an estimate. This is going to be the year of home renovation. Once we file our taxes our roof needs to be replaced. Need to get estimates for that also. Come spring we will be taking out all of the paneling in the basement. Once we get the walls taken care of. I want to insulate and repanel the basement. That way it is all new and nice. Instead of a dark, dank, dungeon... LOL! Plus it is one of those projects that can be done over time. So it won't be a huge expense all at once.
The weather has changed to chilly again, by tonight it should be down right cold. 6 more weeks is all if that little rodent is right. LOL! I will be putting my seeds in the dirt this weekend. I am so excited about getting my hands dirty. I know nothing like being outside but oh what a start. =o)
Made mac n cheese last night. I used the powdered cheese about 3/4 of the mix, 2 pounds of pasta, 1 canned ham and then baked it for about an hour. This is one of the family faves. Tonight I think I will be making calzones or pasties. Not sure what I have to fill them so that is why I don't which one it will be.
I think I have rambled enough for today.
Too bad about the canner. You'll get to it soon enough. When I got mine it had a manufacturing defect in the lid and I had to wait for a replacement. I'm still experimenting with waffle recipes as well! I tried a new recipe last weekend that everyone liked except the boys who like to eat waffles for breakfast during the week- figures!
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