I guess that is where I am at. I have been cleaning like a fiend this past week. Not only to clean up after our nightly visitor… but to make sure that they didn’t nest in my house. Which I can say that they did not. YEAH!!! I still have to get out to where the garden use to be and dismantle the raised beds. The dirt will be used to re-grade that side of the house. I’m not sure what I am going to do with the tires just yet. There a few other things out side that need attention. That will happen next week. Still working on the house. Have I ever told you guys just how much I hate cleaning. I can clean, I know how. I just hate it. I believe that once I bust my butt to clean it…. it ought to stay that way for awhile. Well, as you all know with a hubby, 3 kids, 2 cats, a dog and a rabbit…. nothing stays that way for long. One of the things that I have been doing this week is getting rid of stuff. The salvation army is very happy, the garbage men won’t be… LOL! I have gotten hate mail from them before.
It is a new company though…. I wonder!
I have been working on the kefir. It is a little bit to sour. Not sure what I am doing wrong. It is still edible just a bit to sour for me. So tonight I took a can of peaches and some frozen strawberries and blended them. Now all I have to do is mix some of the fruit and kefir in the mornings. This way I can still drink it but I don’t have to use the blender and wake the whole house. Hopefully, it will taste similar to the flavored kefir in the stores. I got some cucumbers and peppers dehydrated this week. With getting our produce box today I have a ton more stuff to do put up.
Oh, I can’t believe I forgot to share this. I made the lacto-fermented salsa. I didn’t have any gloves to I seeded the jalapenos bare handed. On my right hand the thumb and index finger and the left thumb burned till the next day. I used milk, yogurt, scrubbed with a toothbrush and soap, soaked my hands in ice water and shoved burn cream under my nails. Nothing helped. Please use me as an example wear gloves when cleaning hot peppers.
My eyes are feeling better today. Still itchy though. The last time I had pink eye I was like 14. Funny thing is the kids haven’t even started school yet… and no I haven’t been playing with cows even though it would be cool to do that.
No cow so the goat will have to substitute LOL!!! Should be back to my old self in a couple days. Looking forward to that… I know it was a groaner…
Keeping everyone on the Eastern Seaboard in my prayers! Post when you can to let us know your alright!
I know, I was just giving you a hard time. Pink eye is something we have to watch for because of the cattle. And if we start flooding here after this drought I get to watch for anthrax. The fun!!!
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