It has been terribly busy here. First we had a yard sale this weekend, complete flop! Come to find out that it is against city ordinance to post signs up at the end of your street. $60 fine for each one. Found this out when the police showed up at my house. The officer was very nice and explained everything to us. Good thing we just put up arrows with no address… LOL! But with no signs no sale. I bought the permit, signs, and ice for the water. I spent more to host the flop then I made. But we went out and searched for sales. We commiserated with others…. and go some really kewl stuff in return. I got a hand crank Sears meat slicer, a 15 count glass spice jars and rack, and a set of 4 stackable tin canisters with the name of the item (flour, sugar, tea) written on them.
Then Sunday was Picky monsters 14th birthday. That kid is really starting to come into herself. What a great thing to see happen. This morning I had to go into my bedroom for something, I leaned my hand on the bed and reached. Well, I got a surprise….. Something was hiding in my bed and bit or stung me. It was the worse pain ever. So I had to go to urgent care since I couldn’t find what it was that got me. My had where the fingers meet was all swelled up all the way across. Benadryl and a $20 co-pay later…. All of my bedding was taken to the laundry mat and washed and dried there…. I wish I knew what it was that got me. My grape tomatoes are turning red… So tomorrow I should have 4 or 5 to eat! Yeah!!! Oh, the sourdough did better today…. the best one so far!
Here are a few links that I wanted to share:
Today was a strange type of day….. Grim and I got some disturbing news, but were told not to really worry about it. Its one of those things that I can’t really talk about online right now. And everyone is healthy it has nothing to do with that… don’t want to scare anyone. I can’t share details… One day soon I hope to be able to. Until then I have had to start to really evaluate what I want and how it is going to be made real… Because life is never what you expect it to be. One change will be to the blog…. It will be getting a facelift and a name change. This is something I have wanted to do for awhile and just never got around to doing. I think there will be a lot of changes. Change is good…. it is only bad if you resist. And here I am pushing for it… 
Gotta Run,
Sorry you got bit - ouch! [and a wee bit creepy I have to say]
Happy Birthday to your daughter. Our youngest is coming up on that milestone too - very exciting. Aren't they fun to hang out with?
And for what it is worth our "namesakes" are causing trouble over at Phelan's. giggle.
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