This is probably the kewlest thing I have seen for Urban Gardeners! It is called window farming. "Window Farms are vertical, hydroponic, modular, low-energy, high-yield edible window gardens built using low-impact or recycled local materials." Quote taken directly from the Window Farms site, which you can go there by clicking here.
I found out about it by checking out Ashley English's blog Small Measure. The blog talking about it can be found here. I am just amazed at the ingenuity of this project. I have a square foot garden that most of you have seen pictures of, but this I am going to try. I have 3 windows that have southern exposure and are perfect for this. Plus, I will be able to grow greens for the bunny in the window in the kids room. I just love double duty items.
We will be picking up our newest addition after school today. I don't know who is more excited me or the monsters. We got a cage and bedding and food and a water bottle and food dish last night. Grim and the monsters set it all up. So I will have pictures very soon of Fluffy the Bunny! On a funny side note..... Grim and I went to Kroger last night. In the freezer section they are selling frozen rabbit for $5 a pound. Grim couldn't believe that there really is a market for rabbit meat and we can raise them to butcher and sell. So I will be getting meat rabbits when we get property. But, like I said before there are two types of animals here, pets and food. If it has a name then it is a pet and will not be eaten, so Fluffy is safe!
I would love to get out into my garden but it is so wet out there, I'm sure I would sink 6" into the mud. I have Roma's, pineapple and apple mint, oregano and 2 citronella scented geraniums to plant yet. I poked my head out the window yesterday in between the rain drops and what did I see the peas, pole beans and the bush beans are up. The kohlrabi and the broccoli seem to be looking ok.
The lettuce looks a little water logged *smiles*,
the strawberries will need to be cover soon as I don't want to share with the birds. Most of the sunflower seeds have come up but there are few bald spots that need to be re-seeded. My rhubarb has decided to flower. They are very pretty smelling flowers, but when I asked them at the nursery why it is flowering, no one could tell me. Then by the time I found on line that your suppose to pull those stalks clean out, I think it is too late. Once the rain stops I will see what I can do to salvage a summer crop.
That is about it for today.
Gotta Run,

I found out about it by checking out Ashley English's blog Small Measure. The blog talking about it can be found here. I am just amazed at the ingenuity of this project. I have a square foot garden that most of you have seen pictures of, but this I am going to try. I have 3 windows that have southern exposure and are perfect for this. Plus, I will be able to grow greens for the bunny in the window in the kids room. I just love double duty items.
We will be picking up our newest addition after school today. I don't know who is more excited me or the monsters. We got a cage and bedding and food and a water bottle and food dish last night. Grim and the monsters set it all up. So I will have pictures very soon of Fluffy the Bunny! On a funny side note..... Grim and I went to Kroger last night. In the freezer section they are selling frozen rabbit for $5 a pound. Grim couldn't believe that there really is a market for rabbit meat and we can raise them to butcher and sell. So I will be getting meat rabbits when we get property. But, like I said before there are two types of animals here, pets and food. If it has a name then it is a pet and will not be eaten, so Fluffy is safe!
I would love to get out into my garden but it is so wet out there, I'm sure I would sink 6" into the mud. I have Roma's, pineapple and apple mint, oregano and 2 citronella scented geraniums to plant yet. I poked my head out the window yesterday in between the rain drops and what did I see the peas, pole beans and the bush beans are up. The kohlrabi and the broccoli seem to be looking ok.
That is about it for today.
Gotta Run,
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