Today would have been my Gran's 83rd Birthday. She passed away a couple of years ago. But since I have been celebrating her birthday my entire life so why stop now. She was a very special lady. She raised 7 children, was the wife to an over the road truck driver and a gypsy at heart. She loved wild flowers, the open road and quite time by the lake. She taught me a ton about how to be a good person and how to be a great mom. I loved the time that I was able to spend with her. And how I wish I would have spent more time with her in her later years. But excues are a plenty..... Now I am left with the loving memories of a very special lady whom I loved dearly!
Now back to life.....
I made a double batch of pretzels yesterday.. But I didn't even have a chance to think to take a picture... and they were gone... LOL! But that is how the pretzel is eaten. They were very good. I just wish they were easier to make. I think I am going to look for a playdough machine that will make the rope. If I can then we will have pretzels all of the time.
Got the laundry and some of the dishes done. I wasn't able to make soup today. Picky monster had a half day of school as it was conference day. She is on the honor roll for the first time.... Yeah Picky Monster!
Tomorrow is super busy as every Friday here is. So I will be back with the weekend report.
Gotta Run,
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