Got up this morning and tried to get back into a routine. I was able to get the monsters off to school. Then got home and started the bread. I love making the bread, the whole house smells nice. While that was rising I peeled the lemons. I only lost 3 because I had to wait. Then I dropped them one by one into the juicer. That is a great invention. It is old but it still works great. So I have the juice in the fridge as I ran out of time today to can it up. Also got 3 loads of laundry done. Even got a couple of banana's in the dehydrator. Not to shabby. Still have the curtains from the one bedroom and the window blankets to wash but that will have to wait for another day.
Teenage monster put grandmas cell phone in her pocket the other day. So we went over to return it this afternoon. Grandma proceeds to tell us what our fearless president had to say about the big 3 and them getting the money they need for restructuring. Needless to say "hang on Newton were headed for the rhubarb." I'm not panicking but my stomach sure is in knots. It started out to be such a nice day too! So I put my big girl panties on and we went shopping. I always feel better after I prep. I got more beans, 3 big bags of corn meal for $1.39 a bag, lots of canned goods and some more meat to can up this week. I did notice that Kroger is starting to mark things back down. They had better hurry up cause I now do most of my shopping at Aldi's. Something else I noticed is that Aldi's is about the same price as Wally-world on certain items. So that will save gas as Wally-world is hike to get there.
My trays of seedlings are doing really well. I still need to get some corn to plant as I want to plant plants not seeds. We should have a ton of tomatoes even if nothing else grows.... God willing and the creek don't rise our harvest will be a good one this year. The end of April I will be going and getting the fruit trees and the grapes and blueberries. And we might even end up with an apple or two. Thank goodness I have a couple of very nice orchards and farm markets I can go to. I'm hoping that they start carrying chickens so then I can get free range eggs closer to home.
Well, I need to get all of those canned goods put away.
Gotta Run,
Teenage monster put grandmas cell phone in her pocket the other day. So we went over to return it this afternoon. Grandma proceeds to tell us what our fearless president had to say about the big 3 and them getting the money they need for restructuring. Needless to say "hang on Newton were headed for the rhubarb." I'm not panicking but my stomach sure is in knots. It started out to be such a nice day too! So I put my big girl panties on and we went shopping. I always feel better after I prep. I got more beans, 3 big bags of corn meal for $1.39 a bag, lots of canned goods and some more meat to can up this week. I did notice that Kroger is starting to mark things back down. They had better hurry up cause I now do most of my shopping at Aldi's. Something else I noticed is that Aldi's is about the same price as Wally-world on certain items. So that will save gas as Wally-world is hike to get there.
My trays of seedlings are doing really well. I still need to get some corn to plant as I want to plant plants not seeds. We should have a ton of tomatoes even if nothing else grows.... God willing and the creek don't rise our harvest will be a good one this year. The end of April I will be going and getting the fruit trees and the grapes and blueberries. And we might even end up with an apple or two. Thank goodness I have a couple of very nice orchards and farm markets I can go to. I'm hoping that they start carrying chickens so then I can get free range eggs closer to home.
Well, I need to get all of those canned goods put away.
Gotta Run,