With the weird weather we have been having here lately, the berries are coming way to early. I'm not use to getting them until near the end of the month. But life is what it is. Grim took me and we were able to get 31 pounds of strawberries. I decided this year that I would just freeze all the berries. I still have a ton of jams and jellies from the last couple years still on the shelf.

Even the black raspberries that I planted at my mom's are going crazy. I didn't weight them but I know they filled up two 16oz containers. I should be able to get one more good pick off them before the season is over. Next year we will be doing something a bit different with the irrigation. It is a live and learn thing.
I missed strawberries for us this year. Ours we planted are producing enoght to snack on while weeding but that's it. Next year we should have a bumper crop. Those look wonderful, I can almost smell them
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