This time of year has always been bittersweet for me. School is ending this week and summer will begin. When I was younger I would be getting all of my stuff ready to spend the summer with my grandma up north at the farms. See my grandpa was a farm boy and so were most of his siblings. So gram and I would go up and visit at the different relatives. My Uncle Phil had one and so did my Aunt Josie. Those were the two that we spent the most time at. My Uncle Phil's is where I learned to milk a cow.

Yep, see there is proof. I think I was 10 in this picture... Man o Man was a skinny... LOL!
I wanted to show you all my horse but I can't find the pictures... Any ways Uncle Phil had teams of horses that did tractor pulls and would be all done up in the leather and chrome.... they were absolutely beautiful to behold... Anyway, He decided that he wanted to breed Bell to get a really good show team. The first foal was named Blaze she was mine and the following year, Flame was born. So he ended up with the most magnificent show team... Blaze N' Flame!
I learned how to hay, to drive a tractor and almost lost my leg on the elevator. See we were putting the bales on the elevator and the motor had an exposed chain, my jeans had a bit of fray at the knee well I got to close and the chain grabbed the fray and ripped my pant leg clean off my body.... Thank God that's all it took. But a lesson was learned that day.
I continued to go up until I was 18, this is the last summer I spent at the farm.
I went about my life and didn't go back to visit for 10 years. But I had 2 monsters to take back with me when I went. Now everyone has passed over and the farms have been sold off. I have my memories and some pictures to help me remember.
Even though I don't go to the farms anymore.... I still plan and have to get ready for the camping trip we have coming up... I guess somethings never change! Summer is almost here and we are leaving, LOL!
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