The last couple of weeks have been so busy! But that is the way things go when school is getting finished. Well, it is official the monsters are out of school and they all passed to the next grade! We went on a small vacation to the 3rd largest bridge in the world. Mackinac Bridge!
We had a great time but since it has been forever since we went camping, it has been decided to look into getting a camper. Grim and I are just too old and broken to sleep on the air mattresses. LOL! We went to all the mainland sites. The island will have to wait for the next trip. There just wasn't enough time to go everywhere.
Just to show you that I did make it to see Mary Jane Butters. Here is a picture of her holding the Michigan apron! I had a wonderful time and met a great bunch of ladies! Thank you Dandelion Farm Girls for making me feel so welcome!!!
And I couldn't post without showing off the garden! This is what it looked like last week before we left. It has grown by leaps and bounds but I didn't take new pictures yet!
Look at all the flowers on the tomato plant! I think this year I will weigh the produce as it comes in the house. It should be interesting, to say the least.
Gotta Run,
Just to show you that I did make it to see Mary Jane Butters. Here is a picture of her holding the Michigan apron! I had a wonderful time and met a great bunch of ladies! Thank you Dandelion Farm Girls for making me feel so welcome!!!
a blessed summer solstice to you as well
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