The last fish fry was good. We sold 55 dinners! And we are done now until September. I am very happy as are the other women. The post did really good with all of the dinners. After the dinner was over and the last dish was put away, we sat down and relaxed. Then DH took me to another post where we met up with some friends. They told us about a run that was planned for in the morning.
Saturday morning at 6:30 DH and I are up getting ready to meet up with everyone at the restaurant. Cause we were heading out to a Blessing of the Bikes! What that means is we went to where there were people who blessed each and every bike that was there. They were fairly quick as over 500 bikes were in attendance. We then went to an eating establishment to get hotdogs and soda's for free. All in all we put on over 100 miles that day. My face and chest where my shirt didn't cover got totally sunburned. Didn't realize that the sun was that hot or bright.
Sunday, didn't feel well cause of the sunburn. Went to look for yardsales not to many going on. Then went for a 2 hour drive. Came home and cooked BBQ Chicken on the grill. Took the kids for a walk and played with my new WII game.
Gold's Gym is a boxing game for the WII. I did really well with it. I even did it again tonight. DH likes it too. So I think that this will be a game we both will play.
Went to the dollar store today. Didn't get to much but I did buy a few extra's like razors, shampoo, mints & handy wipes.
We need to sell some more candy bars for the band camp thing. I am hoping to get 2 more cases tomorrow. I also have to work a bingo. I have to do 3 of them as that is the manditory so that I don't have to pay an additional $125. So this will be the first bingo I have worked since I was a teenager. Loads of fun!
Gotta Run,
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