This is the newest addition to the family! Its a yarn eater! I so love these, I can create something new out of scraps laying around. I am using the moss stitch to make a queen sized afghan. The yarn is what what left from the flamboyant afghan I did over the summer.... (Which still needs the ends tied in). The best part is I don't have to think.... After all the counting stitches for Christmas presents its nice to do mindless work.... Bonus its so easy! I will show more pictures as I get more done.
After the ordeals of the past two months, I think things are finally starting to settle down. Christmas is almost done, minor things left to do. Grim will be getting his surgery scheduled, hopefully, for sometime in January. Both of the older girls are settling in to the new routine of having nice boyfriends.... Band is done and Bowling is in full swing! School is out on Friday so I get two weeks to just veg! I'm so looking forward to that.... I actually won't get to veg to much as I think I will teaching a canning class here at the house. A friend wants to learn and I have two freezers bursting at the seams. I think some jams will be on the menu! Strawberry, peach and blueberry! I also have a big bag of dried black beans that need to be canned for convenience. LOL, it never seems to end does it. Oh, well... I guess I better enjoy these days before summer comes back again and I find myself with no time.