But this past month has been super busy. Dealing with both insurance companies, work, the doctors, the disability claims people and he still hasn't seen the specialist yet. That doesn't happen until May 4th. All of the road rash has healed nicely. His shoulder is what is giving him problems right now.
I have busy in the garden every free moment. I found a source of free compost and so I have been using muscles that I didn't even know belonged in my body.... LOL! I got the grass cut in the back. I got and planted 2 blueberry bushes in pots. I know why pots? Good question! But the answer will have to wait for another day.... (I'm tricky that way....LOL!) I was able to find a 4 in 1 apple tree locally and it only cost me $29.99 no shipping. It has jonagold, fuji, braubear (sp?) and granny smith. We don't have room for trees but this will polinate itself. And there was this empty spot behind the garage where junk was piling up. Now no more junk and we have a production plant now! Yeah!!!! I built trellises for the beans and peas. I was able to get the dragon tounge, another type of bean and the peas in the ground on Tuesday. I only had a minor set back. I saw a spider right next to my head on the house and I went to squash him and I hit to hard. I dislocated my thumb.... I know you have to be thinking this is the most accident prone person. I really think I am. But it is all little inconviences. So I can be thankful that nothing major happens to me. With Grim not being able to use his left arm at all right now, we would be in a fix if I did something worse. So I am going to try and take it easy for the next couple of days. But that probably won't happen. LOL! Oh, my rhubarb is huge the crown has to be at least 8 inches across (planted last year) and my grapes have leaves and new growth (planted last year and they stayed sticks all season). I am still hoping to get bunnies this year. But that is a wait and see deal.
This weekend I have to get my butt in gear and get stuff out and washed for an upcoming yard sale. It will be the second weekend in May. I am hoping to sell off most of the junk.... I mean treasures.... LOL! Well, at least if I sell it I won't have to take the time to take and donate. But what ever is left I will do just that. I am feeling the need to downsize and get it done rather quickly. Nope I'm not nesting.... Ever feel that you have way to much stuff and it is keeping you from your full capabilities. That is how I am right now.
I put up a pully system for doing laundry out side. So far it is working. It is taking some getting use to though. The line moves when I don't want it too sometimes. And it is kind of droopy, I don't have the tension set right on it yet.
I have started clearing out my freezers. I know I should have joined the real food challenge last month. But I just didn't have it in me to do it. So now I am lagging behind. :oP But I am hoping to have both of them emptied of all the old stuff by June. I cooked up one of the turkey's on Sunday. We still have a ton left but it will be gone by the weekend. I have a ton of veggies to cook up also. I forgot how much swiss chard I froze.... and beets also. But that just shows how well the garden did last year.
Gotta Run,